Information on vaccination in East-Iceland

Friday, March 8th, 2019:
All persons over 6 months of age and born after 1970 who have not been vaccinated are encouraged to attend vaccination. Vaccinated at Egilsstadir and Eskifjörður today, Friday March 8th, from15:00 to 20:00 hrs.
Those who think they have been in contact with an infected person are asked to be vaccinated today at 20:00-21:00 hrs.

Saturday, March 9th, 2019:
All persons over 6 months of age and born after 1970 who have not been vaccinated are encouraged to attend vaccination. Vaccinated at Egilsstadir and Eskifjörður on Saturday March 9th, from 10:00 to 15:00 hrs.
Those who think they have been in contact with an infected person are asked to be vaccinated at 15:00-16:00 hrs. Saturday March 9th.

- Egilsstaðir: Lagarás 22, HSA Office
- Eskifjörður: Health center

It is not necessary to book appointment in advance.

Please note:
- Individuals born before 1970 have most of them received measles and are therefore not given priority in vaccination.
- Individuals with a history of one vaccination are not a priority. They will be offered a vaccination later.


Markmið Austurfréttar er að byggja upp vef sem tengir saman Austfirðinga, sama hvar þeir eru niðurkomnir og flytja fréttir úr þeirra samfélagi.


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